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Now downloading free:LG LG repair tips

LG LG repair tips free download

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File name:LG_repair_tips.txt
Size:5 kB
Model:LG repair tips 🔎
Original:LG repair tips 🔎
Descr: LG Monitor LG_repair_tips.txt
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name LG_repair_tips.txt

================================================================================ MODEL: 26LC55 + many other LG using 26" Chi-Mei panel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: No picture or distorted image on power up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Twist TV frame slightly and gently. If picture comes back, suspect the tab bonds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Apply additional pressure to tab bonds using shim material. Many videos on YouTube describing the process... ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: 37LC46, 37LC55, 42LC46, 42LC55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: Stuck in standby No power LED Powers on after many minutes of waiting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Locate failed capacitors (2200uF 10V) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace all four failed 2200uF 10V caps - I used Rubycon YXF ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: 37LC2D (May work for other -2D models) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: No sound. Remote control or side buttons not functional. Freeview/DVB-T (if available) and HDMI do not work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: 3.4V converter should be outputting around 3.3 - 3.4V from PSU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Replace failed 1000uF 16V cap If that fails, replace PSU or use external DC-DC to provide 3.3V ================================================================================ ================================================================================ MODEL: 37LC2D (May work for other -2D models) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAULT: Remote control does not work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSIS: Check if side buttons and HDMI/DVB-T work If these DO NOT work see above fix; otherwise use this fix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIX: Clean "REMOTE IN" and "REMOTE OUT" jacks on rear of set Use 3.5mm jack to add contact cleaner to the contacts of the jacks ===========================================================================

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