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; A L T O C O N S T S 2 3 . M U ; Symbol and constant definitons for the standard Alto microcode. ; These definitions are for: ; AltoCode23, AltoCode24, AltoIICode2, and AltoIICode3 ; By convention, people writing microcode should 'include' this file ; in front of their microcode using the following MU construct: ;; ; This entire file is full of magic. If you modify it in any way ; you run the risk of being incompatible with the Alto world, ; not to mention having your Alto stop working. ; ; Revision History: ; September 20, 1977 8:33 PM by Boggs ; Created from old ; September 23, 1977 12:17 PM by Taft ; October 11, 1977 2:07 PM by Boggs ; Added XMAR definition ; May 21, 1979 6:42 PM by Taft ; Added SRB_ and ESRB_ ;Symbol definitions ;Bus Sources ;BS 0 _ RRegister ;BS 1 RRegister_ (zeroes the bus) ;BS 2 is undefined and therefore makes the bus all ones ;BS 3 and 4 are task specific. For the 'Ram related' tasks they are: ; BS 3: _ SRegister ; BS 4: SRegister_ (clobbers the bus with undefined value) ;BS 5 is main memory data (see definition for MD, below) $MOUSE $L000000,014006,000100; BS = 6 $DISP $L000000,014007,000120; BS = 7 ;Standard F1s $XMAR $L072000,000000,144000; F1 = 1 and F2 = 6 (Extended MAR) $MAR $L020001,000000,144000; F1 = 1 $TASK $L016002,000000,000000; F1 = 2 $BLOCK $L016003,000000,000000; F1 = 3 $LLSH1 $L000000,022004,000200; F1 = 4 $LRSH1 $L000000,022005,000200; F1 = 5 $LLCY8 $L000000,022006,000200; F1 = 6 ;Standard F2s $BUS=0 $L024001,000000,000000; F2 = 1 $SH<0 $L024002,000000,000000; F2 = 2 $SH=0 $L024003,000000,000000; F2 = 3 $BUS $L024004,000000,000000; F2 = 4 $ALUCY $L024005,000000,000000; F2 = 5 $MD $L026006,014005,124100; F2 = 6, BS = 5 ;Emulator specific functions $BUSODD $L024010,000000,000000; F2 = 10 $LMRSH1 $L000000,062005,000200; F2 = 11 Magic Right Shift $LMLSH1 $L000000,062004,000200; F2 = 11 Magic Left Shift $DNS $L030012,000000,060000; F2 = 12 Do Nova Shift $ACDEST $L030013,032013,060100; F2 = 13 Nova Destination AC $IR $L026014,000000,124000; F2 = 14 Instruction Register $IDISP $L024015,000000,000000; F2 = 15 IR Dispatch $ACSOURCE $L000000,032016,000100; F2 = 16 Nova Source AC ;RAM-related task-specific functions $SWMODE $L016010,000000,000000; F1 = 10 Switch Mode (emulator only) $WRTRAM $L016011,000000,000000; F1 = 11 Write Ram $RDRAM $L016012,000000,000000; F1 = 12 Read Ram $RMR $L020013,000000,124000; F1 = 13 Reset Mode Register (emulator only) $SRB $L020013,000000,124000; F1 = 13 Set Register Bank (non-emulator) $ESRB $L020015,000000,124000; F1 = 15 Set Register Bank (emulator only) ;Emulator specific functions decoded by the ETHERNET board $RSNF $L000000,070016,000100; F1 = 16 Read Serial (Host) Number $STARTF $L016017,000000,000000; F1 = 17 Start I/O $M $R40; The M Register $L $L040001,036001,144200; The L Register $T $L052001,054001,124040; ALUF = 1, The T Register ;ALU Functions. * => loads T from ALU output $ORT

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