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Now downloading free:HP DIO Cardlist

HP DIO Cardlist free download

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Model:DIO Cardlist 🔎
Original:DIO Cardlist 🔎
Descr: HP 9000_dio DIO_Cardlist.txt
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name DIO_Cardlist.txt

36592A HP-UX SNA Link to IBM 370 36593A HP-UX SNA Link to IBM 370 36941A X.25 Link 50955A IBM 3278 Display Station Emulator 50962A Shared Resource Management (SRM) was an HP networking system 98171A LAN coax card 98287A to 98700 display 98235A AUI LAN card 98237A coax LAN card 98253A EPROM Development 98255A EPROM card 98256A 256K RAM 98257A 1M RAM 98259A 128 K Bubble 98286D DOS Coprocessor 98542A 512x400 monochrome output to 35731A display 98543A 512x400 4 Color output to 35741A 98544B 1024x768 monochrome output to 98786A 98546A 200 series compatability display 98547A 1024x768 RGB Video output to 98751A or 98785A 98549A 1024x768 RGB Video output to 98751A or 98785A 98574A Super hi-res display 98603A ROM-based Basic 98622A 16 bit General Purpose I/O 98623A 43 line BCD I/O typically used for older non HP-IB instruments 98624A Standard HP-IB typically used for instruments, maybe more than one in a system 98625B High-Speed HP-IB typically used for hard drives 98626A Single port RS-232 typically used for modem, terminal,printer,plotter, etc. 98628A Single port Data Com RS-232, RS-422, RS-423 & RS-449 CCITT V.28 98630A Breadboard Interface 98633A Multiprogrammer I/O for the 6944A 98635A Floating point processor (NS16081) 98640A 7-Channel Analog Input 98642A 4-channel RS-232 Multiplexer 98643A ethernet interface 98644A single port RS-232 98646A DIO to VME adapter 98647A PCIB interface for 61xxx series instruments 98658A SCSI Single-Ended typically used for hard disks 98627A Color Video to 13279B 98695A 3270 coax interface 98724A I/O to 98720A SRX Graphics Controller 98725A I/O to 98720A SRX Graphics Controller

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