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. Electronic Components Datasheets 226mbxxx free download

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Bulletin I2715 rev. E 08/97 MB & JB SERIES SINGLE PHASE BRIDGE Power Modules Features 10 A Universal, 3 way terminals: 25 A push-on, wrap around or solder High thermal conductivity package, 35 A electrically insulated case Center hole fixing Excellent power/volume ratio UL E 62320 approved Description A range of extremely compact, encapsulated single phase bridge rectifiers offering efficient and reliable operation. They are intended for use in general purpose and instrumentation applications. Major Ratings and Characteristics Parameters 100JB-L 26MB-A 36MB-A Units 250JB-L 35MB-A IO 10 25 35 A o @ TC 65 65 60 C IFSM @ 50Hz 148 400 475 A @ 60Hz 155 420 500 A I2t @ 50Hz 110 790 1130 A2 s @ 60Hz 100 725 1030 A2 s VRRM range 50 to 1600 V o TJ -40 to 150 C 1 MB & JB Series Bulletin I2715 rev. E 08/97 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage Ratings Voltage V RRM , maximum repetitive VRSM , maximum non- I RRMmax. Type number Code peak reverse voltage repetitive peak rev. voltage @ TJ max. V V mA 5 50 75 10 100 150 100JB..L 20 200 275 26MB..A 40 400 500 250JB..L 60 600 725 2 36MB..A 80 800 900 35MB..A 100 1000 1100 120 1200 1300 140 1400 1500 160 1600

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