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Now downloading free:. Electronic Components Datasheets SG6841 SYSTEMGENERAL

. Electronic Components Datasheets SG6841 SYSTEMGENERAL free download

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Product Specification High-integrated Green-mode PWM Controller SG6841 FEATURES DESCRIPTION Green-mode PWM to support "Blue Angel" Norm This highly integrated PWM controllers, SG6841 series, Low start up current 30uA provides several features to enhance the performance of Low operation current 3mA low power flyback converters. To minimize standby Leading-edge blanking power consumption, the proprietary green-mode Built-in synchronized slope compensation function provides off-time modulation to linearly Constant output power limit for universal AC input decrease the switching frequency under light-load Current mode operation conditions. This green-mode function assists the power Cycle-by-cycle current limiting supply to easily meet the power conservation Under voltage lockout (UVLO) requirement. Due to BiCMOS process, the start-up Programmable PWM frequency current and operation current is reduced to 30uA and GATE output maximum voltage clamped at 18V 3mA, respectively, to improve power conversion Totem pole output includes soft driving for better efficiency. Large start-up resistance can be used for EMI further power saving. Built-in synchronized slope Build-in limited-power-control to meet safety compensation ensures the stability of peak current mode requirement control. A proprietary internal compensation ensures Programmable over-temperature protection constant output power limit for universal AC input Few external components & low cost solution voltage from 90VAC to 264VAC. SG6841 provides many protection functions. APPLICATIONS Pulse by pulse current limit ensures a constant output General-purpose switching mode power supplies current under short circuit. If a short circuit failure or and flyback power converters, and over load happens, the SG6841 will shut off after a continuous high voltage detection on FB pin. The gate Power Adapter output is clamped at 18V to protect the power MOS Open-frame SMPS

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