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OLYMPUS olympusWinder1 free download

Analogue photo camera service manuals, repair guides and schematics

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File name:olympusWinder1_schematic.rar
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Model:olympusWinder1 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo > Analogue and Accessories
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File name olympusWinder1_schematic.pdf

5 4 3 2 1 RED D TRIGGER PB OM MIRROR SW RED SW301 J1 BASE PLATE CONN J3 YL 1 UP DOWN S3 1 RED ON/OFF SWITCH RED S1 REMOTE SW CONNECTOR J2 USE THIS INFORMATION AT YOUR OWN RISK , I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES D RED EXT POWER RED AT REAR OF TOP PLATE 250EXP / SW/CONN Camera Chassis S4 Q1 WHT TP J4 BT1 CENTRE PIN NEGATIVE 6V BATTERY M1 MOTOR C D1 DIODE R3 100 PNP R1 33 R2 22K 5.5mm Power Connector 1 + C1 33uF CAPACITOR TA 2 C BLU D2 DIODE R4 NPN Q2 S5 PARK SW R6 16K + C2 22 uF CAP TA NPN Q3 R5 10K 1K Gear chassis GRN + B SCREW CONNECT Q4 BRN NPN GRY TO220 YL BRN B R7 200 R8 15K D3 DIODE R9 1K D4 DIODE GRY YL Q1 BLU RED GRN GRY PCB (Copper ) Circuit Side Screw Conn POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTE PARTS: TO220 case C E B BASE VIEW NPN POWER (Q4) : TIP29 PNP : (Q1 ) PN2907A , but pin out different NPN : (Q2,3) PN2222A , but pin out different ALL DIODES : 1N4148, EXCEPT D1 ,COULD USE 1N4001 FOR D1 WHICH IS A BIT LARGER THAN ORIGINAL METAL CAN 2N2222A AND 2N2907A (EASIER TO GET) HAVE CAN CONNECTED TO COLLECTOR SO BEWARE OF SHORTS IF SUBSTITUTING CopyRight: This may be used for personal non-commercial use. Resale in any form prohibited. 4 3 Q3 Q2 C A WHT BRN CHECK YOUR ACTUAL UNIT IT MAY BE A DIFFERENT REVISION Title OLYMPUS WINDER 1 Size A Date: Document Number Thursday, August 21, 2003 2 A Q1 marked B595 Q2,3 marked C945 B C E (C) T.HUGHES, 1999,2003 Rev 1.02 Sheet 1 1 Q4 marked D325/E9D of 1 5

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