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2405 Commerce Circle, Alamosa CO 81101 ~ Tel: (719) 589 3122 ~ Fax: (719) 589 3592 ~ Web: Address Instruction Guide (1) Clear Display RS 0 R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Writes space code "20H" into all DD RAM addresses. Sets DD RAM address 0 in address counter. Returns display to its original status if it was shifted. In other words, the display disappears and the cursor or blink go to the left edge of the display (the first line if 2 lines are displayed). Set I/D 1 (Increment Mode) of Entry Mode. S of Entry Mode doesn't change. (2) Return Home RS 0 R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 * * Don't care Sets the DD RAM address 0 in address counter. Returns display to its original status if it was shifted. DD RAM contents do not change. The cursor or blink go to the left edge of the display (the first line if 2 lines are displayed). (3) Entry Mode Set RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S I/D: S: Increments (I/D=1) or decrements (I/D=0) the DD RAM address by 1 when a character code is written into or read from the DD RAM. The cursor or blink moves to the right when incremented by 1 and to the left when decremented by 1. The same applies to writing and reading of CG RAM. Shifts the entire display either to the right or the left when S is 1; to the left when I/D=1 and to the right when I/D=0. Thus it looks as if the cursor stands still and the dis play moves. The display does not shift when reading from the DD RAM, when writing into or reading out from the CG AM does it shift when S=0. RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D C B (4) Display ON/OFF Control D: C: B: The display is ON when D=1 and OFF when D=0. When off due to D=0, display data remains in the DD RAM. It can be displayed immediately by setting D=1. The cursor display when C=1 and does not display when C=0. Even if the cursor disappears, the function of I/D, etc. does not change during display data write. The cursor is displayed using 5 dots in the 8th line when the 5x7 dot character font is selected, and 5 dots in the 11th line when the 5x10 dot character font is selected. The character indicated by the cursor blinks when B=1. The blink is displayed by switching between all blank dots and display characters at 409.6ms interval when fcp or fosc=250kHz. The cursor and the blink can be set to display simultaneously. (The blink frequency changes according to the reciprocal of fcp or fosc. 409.6 x 250/270 = 379.2ms when fcp=270kHz.) 4-1 2405 Commerce Circle, Alamosa CO 81101 ~ Tel: (719) 589 3122 ~ Fax: (719) 589 3592 ~ Web: (5) Cursor or Display Shift RS R/W DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S/C R/L * * *Don't care Shifts cursor position or display to the right or left without writing or reading display data. This function is used to correct or search for the display. In a 2 line display, the cursor moves to the 2nd line when it passes the 40th digit of the 1st line.

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