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Now downloading free:cdc 90310500 Literature Catalog Jul80

cdc 90310500 Literature Catalog Jul80 free download

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READ ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS CONTROL DATA CORPORATION LITERATURE AND DISTRIBUTION SERVICES 308 NORTH DALE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55103 TELEPHONE: 612-292-2100 TELEX: 290-435 JULY, 1980 EDITION This Catalog Obsoletes All Previous Editions LITERATURE CATALOG- 90310500 r.:J 11:::\ CONT"OL DATA MEMO \::I r::J CORPO~TlON INTERNAL/EXTERNAL .CATAIDG USERS Attached is the July 1980 Literature Catalog. Literature and Distribution has decided to print a combined internal and external catalog this year rather than two separate catalogs. Customer ordering instructions will be found on the first few pages of this catalog. Internal ordering instructions are listed below. Please place this cover memo inside the front cover of your catalog for future reference. PHONE, TWX AND RUSH PROCEDURES: No orders will be accepted for more than five line items. All phone orders must be approved by the Requestorls Management as well as LDS Management. TWX orders will not be honored unless a complete department number and "Ship TO" address are provided as well as the reason a TWX order is necessary. BACKORDER PROCEDURE: If a requisi tioner requires an item to be backordered, they must so indicate on the Literature and Stocked Forms Request (AAl538-2). Place a "B" in the colunm marked "B" if you wish manuals or binders to be backordered. Brochures and Data Sheets are not backordered due to ever changing marketing emphasis which delays reprint cycles. RETURN TO STOCK: Only books that are unused and at the current level stocked by LDS may be returned for credit. Please obtain proper approval and return procedures from LOS before returning any books. AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURE FDR INTERNATIONAL SUBSIDIARIES: If, as an International Subsidia~, you are not familiar with the Automatic Distribution Service (A/D), please contact LDS and we will send you a copy of the guidelines. Domestic Customer A/D procedures are found in this catalog. MANUALS ON MICROFICHE: Publication numbers prefixed by a GF indicates the manual is available in microfiche form. LITERATURE ORDERING PROCEDURE: See example on reverse side of this page. ~~~ G.F. Moore, Manager Literature & Distribution Services

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