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Now downloading free:cipher Cipher Controller Manufacturer Listing May85

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CONTROLLER MANUFACTURER LISTING COMPETITIVE INFORMAnON Prepared by Bert Armijo CIPHER DATA PRODUCTS, INC. 7301 Orangewood Avenue Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) 891-3711 TWX 910-596-1870 Released October 1984 Last Revised May 1985 941064-001 REV. B CONTROLLER MANUFACTURER LISTING COMPETITIVE INFORMATION T ABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Disclaimer Address Listing Controller Listing Bus Controller Interface Competitive Information Reference Chart INTRODUCTION The following is a reference list of Controller Manufacturers who have advertised or announced controllers or adapters for cartridge tape products. It should aid potential tape users in selecting interface equipment which suits their needs. Indications are made in the listing where specific design or testing has been done with Cipher Products. Cipher Data Products, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this manual. Inclusion in this document is not to be considered a recommendation or endorsement of the companies or the products listed. Cipher Data Products, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in its contents without obligation of Cipher Data Products, Inc. to notify any person of such changes or revisions. ADDRESS LISTING Adaptive Data (ADES) Computer Dynamics Inc. 2627 Pomona Blvd. 105 S. Main St. Pomona, CA 91768 Greer, SC 29651 714-594-5858 803-877-7471 Advanced Electronics Design, Inc. (AED) Computer Storage Technology 440 Potrero Ave. 1369 South State College Blvd. Sunnyvale, CA Anaheim, CA 92806 408-733-3555 714-778-3656 Advanced Micro Devices Microcomputer Creative Micro Systems Systems 3822 Cerritos Ave. 901 Thompson Pl. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 P. O. Box 3453 MIS 140 213-493-2484 Sunnyvale, CA 94088 408-732-2400 . Data-Sub Systems/U .S., Inc. 2219 S. 48th St., Suite J Alpha Omega Computer Systems Tempe, AZ 85282 33868 Eastgate Circle 602-438-1492 P. O. Box U Corvallis, OR 97339 503-754-1911 Data Technology Corp. 2775 Northwestern Pkwy. Santa

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