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YSI 44005500 free download

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T h e r m i s t o r s YSI 44000 Series Precision Interchangeable Thermistors Time Constant YSI thermistors provide highly accurate and stable The time required for a thermistor to indicate 63% of a temperature sensing for applications of temperature mea- newly impressed temperature is the time constant. For a surement, control, indication and compensation. Typical thermistor suspended by its leads in a well-stirred oil bath it uses include precise measurements without the neces- is 1 sec. max. for standard thermistor and 2.5 sec. max. for sity of individual circuit calibration and with the advantage teflon encased thermistors. In still air it is 10 sec. max. for of precision interchangeability of sensors. Precise cold standard thermistors and 25 sec. max. for Teflon encased junction compensation of thermocouples may be designed thermistors. directly without "bread boarding" after mathematically de- Dissipation Constant riving the circuit because of the superior interchangeabil- The power in mW required to raise a thermistor 1

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