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CLASSE AUDIO hfe classe audio ssp-25 service info free download

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SSP-25 MOTHER PCB -Install chips ver 1.40 to 1C34, SSP-25 pal 1.00 to 1C24 1. Follow steps on input PCB testing from A to D 2. Feed output probe to left and right audio outputs of mother PCB. 3. Feed input cable to AV4 and select AV4 to the display. Check the output signal. 4. Remove the output cable and feed record, left and right. Check output signal. 5. Remove the output cable and install the balance adapter and feed to the left. Signal output should be out of phase. 6. Press invert on the scope, signal output should now be in phase. 7. Check right balance output. 8. Remove adapter and plug back to left and right output. 9. Press invert, should be normal. 10. Press mode on remote control and select analog bypass. Check output signal. 11. Return to stereo. Check output signal. 12. Press mute many times and listen to the clicking of relays and output signal. 13. IR testingremove all output and input cables A) IR out of CP 35 to IR in mother PCB. B) Aim RC of SSP 25 to CP 35 display and press volume up and down. Check the volume of the SSP 25 to see if it is working. C) IR in of CP 35 to IR out of mother PCB. D) Aim RC of CP 35 to SSP 25 display and press volume up and down, Check the volume of the CP 35 to see if it is working. 14. To check relays: A) Output cable to the left and right of mother PCB. B) Press menu on RC C) System set-up and enter. D) Balance set-up and enter. E) Check output signal F) Press mute many times while watching the output signal. G) Repeat the same steps to surround left and right output. H) Center and sub output. 15-Resetremove all cable output. A) Press menu B) System set-up and enter C) Feature set-up and enter D) Software version and enter1.40/6.17 E) Press menu F) Select back arrow G) Factory reset, enter H) Enter to reset SSP-25 Display (B224XR04) A. INSPECTION -visually check all parts for: solder bridges or splashes, backwards or missing components, component orientation. B. FUNCTIONS 1. Install all LEDs (led 8 & SW9 are green). 2. Switch on the unit, led 8 must light. 3. Press SW6 "Class

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