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Now downloading free:Yokogawa YOKOGAWA DR232 Communication Interface

Yokogawa YOKOGAWA DR232 Communication Interface free download

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Models DR130/DR231/DR232/DR241/DR242 Communication Interface Instruction Manual IM DR231-11E IM DR231-11E 5th Edition Introduction This Communication Interface User's Manual describes the functions and commands of the optional GP-IB, RS-232-C, RS-422-A/RS-485, and Ethernet interfaces. Read this manual carefully before using these interface functions, and be sure to keep this manual on hand for future reference should any problems arise. As manuals relative to the DR130, DR231, DR232, DR241 and DR242, the following manuals are also provided. Read them if necessary. Name of manuals Manual No. DR130/DR231/DR241 Hybrid Recorder (Stand-alone model) IM DR231-01E or DR232/DR242 Hybrid Recorder (Expandable model) IM DR232-01E Note

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