File name wininst197e.txtMaxius Decim aka Maxud
The detailed description of the order
of installation Windows 98SE, necessary updates
and components.
1. Install Windows 98se.
2. Install Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.1.97.
for Windows 98SE English. Includes 236926, 238453, 240075,
242975, 243450, 245682, 245729, 256015, 259728, 260067,
263044, 269601, 273017, 273727, 274548, 314147, 323172,
323255, 329115, 239887, 811630, dun14-SE, TelnetUp update,
328145, 313829, 823559, 249973, 252958, 263891, 258010,
242004, 308349, 274370, 288430, 267304, 243199, 253697,
233017, 293793, 290831, 288550, 271811, 241084, 266772,
242928, 259253, 276602, 257360, 311561, 280448, 265115,
DCOM98, 315575, 258191, 247177, vbrun60sp6, 265854,
268064, 321467, 254660, 318307, 306889, 827656, 840315,
249635, msvbvm50, 241052, 247853, 253711, 278033,
Adaptec ASPI v.4.60(1021), Explorer with 256-color tray icons.
3. Install PCIO98.EXE (it is included in MDCU)- patch IO.SYS for
change of the order of assignment of letters to hard disks.
4. Install instmsia (Windows Installer 2.0).
5. Install DirectX 8.1b/9.0b/9.0c.
6. Install drivers for motherbiard, sound card (preferably wdm-drivers),
net card, video card and other devices.
7. Install full installation Internet Explorer 6.0Sp1.
8. Install q313829fix.exe (it is included in MDCU).
9. Install scr56 (Windows Script Update,
KB823353 (Outloook Express Cumutative Update),
KB870669 (Internet Explorere Security Fix),
KB833989 (Internet Explorere Security Update VGX),
KB834707 (Internet Explorere Cumulative Update).
10.Install msjavwu - Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.
11.Install MDAC components
mdac28_28010223_typ (MDAC ver.2.8 for Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000).
Install Security Patch Q832483_MDAC_x86.
Install Jet40SP8_9xNT_321076 (Jet ver.4.0sp8).
Install Jet40Repl.
12.Install Windows Media Player.
For Windows Media Player 6.4 install wmsu47357 and wm320920_64.
Or install Windows Media 7.1 and updates wm312125,
wmencoder71, wm320920_71, WM71KB817787.
Or install Windows Media 9.0 and updates wm816044,
wm9xKB837272. Install codecs WMP 10.0.
13. Install .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1,
and update 867460.
14. Reinstall DirectX 8.1b/9.0b/9.0c.
15. If it is necessary, install native (without installation
of additional drivers for each type) support USB flesh
drives - nusb120.exe (it is included in MDCU).
And still!!! Basically, Windows 98SE supports work with
operative memory in the size up to 2Gb, but not all so is simple.
Therefore, if Windows 98SE that is installed on a computer
with operative memory greater than 512 Mb:
1.In BIOS sets the size of aperture AGP in minimal
Value (64 mbytes are usual) for economy of addresses.
2. Sets the maximal cache size from 512Mb up to 64Mb -
to whom as it is pleasant - too for e