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Now downloading free:AVO AVO CT160A

AVO AVO CT160A free download

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File name:AVO_CT160A.pdf
[preview AVO CT160A]
Size:8479 kB
Model:AVO CT160A 🔎
Original:AVO CT160A 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment AVO CT160A AVO_CT160A.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name AVO_CT160A.pdf

Page 1 of 17 AVO CT160A Operating Instructions and Service Manual This AVO CT160A manual is the result of combining (and editing) two different sets of photocopies of AVO CT160A manuals and also from information from the original AVO CT160 manuals. This AVO CT160A manual has been kept as original as possible, even though some photocopies of the AVO CT160A pages have been replaced with AVO CT160 pages where the text did not differ in any point, but where the quality of the CT160 scanned pages was much better than the CT160A scanned pages. All figures and photos have been kept in their original shape although most have had to be edited due to the poor quality of the original photocopies. The schematics at the end of the manual have been extended with three new sets where the first is an unaltered original redrawn schematic, the second schematic is a redrawn and corrected schematic and the third is a redrawn, corrected and modified schematic. The second schematic has been corrected in the following areas: D2: Changed from 66V RMS winding to 99V RMS winding, calculating the current in the circuit shows that the 99V RMS winding is necessary for the circuit to work correctly. R4 & R41: Changed places in schematic, the component list on page 17 of the Service Manual and also the component list on the page before the original schematic shows this as the correct order, as well as an internal component placement comparison between a CT160A and a CT160. R37 & R37 shown as R37A and R37B as per component list on page 18 of the Service Manual, consisting of one 13 "selected" resistor each. SH6: Ground connection for tags 2-5, was missing from original CT160A schematic but can be found in later CT160 schematics and also in the original CT160A & CT160 testers. WIRES & COMPONENTS: Moved for clarity. The third schematic has been modified in the following areas: All of the corrections above from the second schematic plus:- D5, R42 & R38: Anode voltage rectification added, components used D5 = D1, R42 = R38 = 100 k

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