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File name:Nikon_DE4_titanium_finder.rar
Size:519 kB
Model:DE4_titanium_finder 🔎
Descr:nikon DE4_titanium_finder service manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo > Analogue and Accessories
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File name Nikon_DE4_titanium_finder.PDF

IDE-4 titanium finder I Y \ \ . .\ ------\ * \\ \\\ --- ---- ---------. `1 \ z Em \--w;~ \ / / %L; \\/~ "", k m'\, ~~ \ 3 `,, `--=A \ \\ \ & \7 ' s ?, i, \ \ \ ­---yp' /' /" "\ rN-i ~--­ ---------- <------------ 1+ I l)t-+ $6ss$? !ilIoiw Ckt. No. Part No. 1 ~ 6 2 0 - 0 7 1- 12 I 1 KM- 020 hhwlc plate I ?I.iau AI-- I'7O7OBC " 73 o 0 ?.!15-721 0 ~. il(l15-723 y.lly(zq' o 0 I Lb FA1301: u; :,:, {11 I',1', W ;; htlll!) R; !!$ h? :W !$:1 fiti 4 ~ssemhly S,,, :kt. Xo Constituent Parts BIOO- 14'7 lko170-020 FA601601 16551-003 IG4G0-010 tk600-(lg l-l lk550-oo5-l lkolo-o13 lK610- 134- - 5/3 & g Parts list ~ight-Eyepoint Finder DE-4/ Blat Ikfi Name -- -- .----- 1 *% K- ) &y~fl ITigurc --.. -- FAB01851 H PCS p "f& z' : Unit -- . 1. `Remarks 1K080-044-4 14 (Nikon) Name plate (Nikon) IB1OO-O47-3 `1 ----.. A ---- 1K62O-105 12 --32z2f7L.._ Screw 1 --.-- 4 ---. -- _ $ t 5 0 8 0 -- 8UC x NJ_ A1-17020BS 73 o ------- . . -- - ------- --- ---- _ _ _ - - -A ----- .-- t. `* ..-- . Note --------- The other parts are Comn ~ The part shoud e r[ if it needs rep acen . -- . -- -- n to those o urned to the nt. ---- FABO acto D1 . ----.-- -.. --- -- .--.-- ---- . .--..--. ----- --. --- .-..-- .----- .-- ,- --. Assembly List 1 %rl$li - s%% -- t?Jf5t#!J&l%i Constituent Parts G E!!i!ig% Figure flti -.!$ Assembly No. Remark 1B1OO-O47-5 Name plate IBIOC -~4'7-2 1K080-004-4 1(2551-003 1G48O-O1O 1K600-061-1 1K550-005-1 1KO1O-O13 x2 1K61O-134 .---- . -- .--

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