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Now downloading free:STK ic`s ics stk 859

STK ic`s ics stk 859 free download

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Mfg:STK ic`s
Model:ics stk 859 🔎
Original:ics stk 859 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Various STK ic`s ics_stk_859.pdf
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Ordering number:ENN5170 Thick Film Hybrid IC STK392-110 3-Channel Convergence Correction Circuit (IC max = 3A) Overview Package Dimensions The STK392-110 is a convergence correction circuit IC for unit:mm video projectors. It incorporates three output amplifiers in 4083 a single package, making possible the construction of CRT [STK392-110] horizontal and vertical convergence correction output cir- cuits for each of the RGB colors using ust two hybrid ICs. 64.0 The output circuit use a class-B configuration, in compari- 55.6 8.5 son with the STK392-010, realizing a more compact pack- age and lower cost. 3.6 31.0 21.0 Applications 25.8 16.5

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