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DOKODER hfe dokorder 7700 service section 1 en free download

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File name hfe_dokorder_7700_service_section_1_en.pdf

DOKORDER SERVICE MANUAL sM, 1004-00 1977.3 rnoder 77OO sEcroN 1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES D lnc. bokorder, 90260 U.S.A. 5430 ROSECRANS AVENUE, I-{WNDALE, CALIF. r-rE\] Kr <)\JK-YO CO., r--trE). 26.1 1, 3-CHON4E, NISHI-ROKUGO, OTA-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 g 1 1 Amplifier Circuitry 1-2 Tape Transport Mechanism 1-3 Power Supply Circuitry 2. SERVICE DATA 2 21 Mechanical 2-2 Electrical 3. PARTS LOCATION . 3-4 3-1 Outer Parts 3-2 lnner Parts 4. REMOVAL OF OUTER PARTS 5 4-1 Front Panel 4-2 Amp Panel 4-3 Top and Bottom Boards ../ 5. ADJUSTMENT -MECHANTCAL- ... . 6-'11 5-1 Auto Shut-off Switch 5-2 Pinch Roller Drive Mechanism 5-3 Reel Motor Torques 5-4 Brake Mechanism 5-5 Tape Speed 5-6 Wow/Flutter g 6. ADJUSTMENT -ELECTRTCAL- .12-20 6-1 Adjustable Parts Location 6-2 Adjustment Procedures 7. MAINTENANCE . 21 7 -1 Cleaning 7-2 Lubrication 3 Demagnetizing 7 y) B. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ...22-31 8-1 Solenoid Drive Circuit 8-2 Capstan Drive Circuit 9. SCHEMATIC DIAG RAM Note This Service Manual consists of three sections: Section 1: Descriptions of circuitry, operating procedures, and methods of adjustments and maintenance, plus technical data. Section 2: Exploded views, and parts list. v Section 3: Patterns, schematics and parts lists for printed Circuit boards. 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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