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Now downloading free:CERN 1101699 V1 Burn in of LTZ1000

CERN 1101699 V1 Burn in of LTZ1000 free download

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TE-EPC-HPM/mcb 2009-08-11 Burn in of the voltage reference for the 22-bit Delta- Sigma converter, v. 10.1 Burn-in The internal reference, LTZ1000, should normally be burned-in (for ageing purposes) using a special setup in an oven. The documentation of the burn-in card to be used can be found here: \\\dfs\Departments\TE\Groups\EPC\Sections\HPM\ADCs-DVMs-4808\22bit DS ADC\LTZ1000 burn in card The data for the previously burnt-in LTZ1000 can be found in Gunnar's logbook entry from 29.07.2005. The testpoints and the jumper settings can be checked either in the card's schematic, either through the writings on the card itself (names of testpoints and jumper's is written by hand on the card - position 6) The burn-in procedure is the following: - Put all the measurement probes on the testpoints corresponding to VB1 - Set the heater OFF by using the appropriate jumper switch - Set the oven to 80

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