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Ordering number:ENN2921A Monolithic Linear IC LA7696 Color TV ON-Screen Display Interface Overview Package Dimensions The LA7696 is a color TV on-screen display interface IC. unit:mm The R, G, B graphic input signals can be used to provide 3021C-DIP20 channel display and the fast blanking input signal can be [LA7696] used to provide black-bordered character, etc. The LA7696 also contains an auto green function to make green color 24.0 20 11 more vivid and a service switch function in a DIP-20 slim- type package. 7.62 6.4 Input signals are R-Y, G-Y, B-Y, and -Y and output signals 0.25 are converted to R, G, B primary color signals. 1 10 1.0 Functions and Features 3.3 3.9max 0.51min (3.25)

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