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Now downloading free:ON Semiconductor nss12100m3

ON Semiconductor nss12100m3 free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Original:nss12100m3 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors ON Semiconductor nss12100m3.pdf
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NSS12100M3T5G 12 V, 1 A, Low VCE(sat) PNP Transistor ON Semiconductor's e2 PowerEdge family of low VCE(sat) transistors are miniature surface mount devices featuring ultra low saturation voltage (VCE(sat)) and high current gain capability. These are designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching applications where affordable efficient energy control is important. Typical application are DC-DC converters and power management 12 VOLTS, 1.0 AMPS in portable and battery powered products such as cellular and cordless PNP LOW VCE(sat) TRANSISTOR phones, PDAs, computers, printers, digital cameras and MP3 players. Other applications are low voltage motor controls in mass storage EQUIVALENT RDS(on) 350 mW products such as disc drives and tape drives. In the automotive industry they can be used in air bag deployment and in the instrument COLLECTOR cluster. The high current gain allows e2PowerEdge devices to be 3 driven directly from PMU's control outputs, and the Linear Gain 1 (Beta) makes them ideal components in analog amplifiers. BASE 2 Features EMITTER

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