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AD OP-27 free download

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Model:OP-27 🔎 OP27
Descr:Op-Amp datasheet
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a FEATURES Low Noise: 80 nV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz), 3 nV/÷Hz Low Drift: 0.2 V/ C High Speed: 2.8 V/ s Slew Rate, 8 MHz Gain Bandwidth Low VOS: 10 V Excellent CMRR: 126 dB at VCM of ±11 V High Open-Loop Gain: 1.8 Million Fits 725, OP07, 5534A Sockets Available in Die Form GENERAL DESCRIPTION Low-Noise, Precision Operational Amplifier OP27 PIN CONNECTIONS TO-99 (J-Suffix) BAL BAL 1 ­IN 2 +IN 3 V+ OUT NC OP27 The OP27 precision operational amplifier combines the low offset and drift of the OP07 with both high speed and low noise. Offsets down to 25 mV and maximum drift of 0.6 mV/C, makes the OP27 ideal for precision instrumentation applications. Exceptionally low noise, en = 3.5 nV/÷Hz, at 10 Hz, a low 1/f noise corner frequency of 2.7 Hz, and high gain (1.8 million), allow accurate high-gain amplification of low-level signals. A gain-bandwidth product of 8 MHz and a 2.8 V/msec slew rate provides excellent dynamic accuracy in high-speed, dataacquisition systems. A low input bias current of ± 10 nA is achieved by use of a bias-current-cancellation circuit. Over the military temperature range, this circuit typically holds IB and IOS to ±20 nA and 15 nA, respectively. The output stage has good load driving capability. A guaranteed swing of ± 10 V into 600 W and low output distortion make the OP27 an excellent choice for professional audio applications. (Continued on page 7) 4V­ (CASE) NC = NO CONNECT 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (Z-Suffix) Epoxy Mini-DIP (P-Suffix) 8-Pin SO (S-Suffix) VOS TRIM 1 ­IN 2 +IN 3 V­ 4 8 7 6 5 OP27 VOS TRIM V+ OUT NC NC = NO CONNECT SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC V+ R3 Q6 R1* 1 8 R4 R2* C2 Q22 Q21 R23 Q23 R24 Q24 R9 Q20 Q1A NONINVERTING INPUT (+) Q3 INVERTING INPUT (­) *R1 AND R2 ARE PERMANENTLY ADJUSTED AT WAFER TEST FOR MINIMUM OFFSET VOLTAGE. V­ Q11 Q12 Q27 Q28 Q26 Q45 Q1B Q2B Q2A R5 C3 R12 C4 Q19 OUTPUT C1 Q46 VOS ADJ. REV. C Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781/329-4700 Fax: 781/326-8703 © 2003 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. OP27­SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ V = ±15 V, T = 25 C, unless otherwise noted.) S A Parameter INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE1 LONG-TERM VOS STABILITY2, 3 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT INPUT BIAS CURRENT INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE3, 4 INPUT NOISE Voltage Density3 INPUT NOISE Current Density3, 5 INPUT RESISTANCE Differential-Mode6 Common-Mode INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE Symbol VOS VOS/Time IOS IB en p-p en Conditions Min OP27A/E Typ Max 10 0.2 7 ± 10 25 1.0 35 ± 40 0.18 5.5 4.5 3.8 4.0 2.3 0.6 Min OP27F Typ Max 20 0.3 9 ± 12 0.0

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