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Schneider AG DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date : 07.07.98 Service - Info Spare part Part number Concern : Service kit power supply : 0104740 : Chassis TV 8 / TV 8.1 Info 220 _______________________________________________________________________ The service kit includes all parts that may be damaged by breakdown of the power supply. As mutual influences caused by the failure of one part are possible, in general all parts should be exchanged. Service kit power supply consist of: Part number: 0104740 0023443 0023544 0061056 0061924 0001463 0023957 0061101 0061666 0061894 0061015 0038541 0061016 0104741 CR 112 chip resistor 330 K CR 116 chip resistor 47 IC 101 IC TDA 4605-2 C 104 electrolyt cap.150µf385 V C 108 capacitor 4,7 nF C 110 electrolyt cap. 1µF 63 V C 202 capacitor 470 pF CC 111 chip capacitor 3,9nF T 101 transistor STP4NA60FI D 105 diode UF 4004 D 106 diode 1N4148 D 107 diode UF 4006 Service info power supply kit Modifications reserved ! Service info 0104741

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