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Now downloading free:cdc 90310500 Literature Catalog Jan85

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rs 2) CONTR.OL DATA Memo INTERNAL CATAI.DG GUIDELINES JANUARY 4, 1985 CUstomer ordering instructions will be found on the first few pages of this catalog. Internal ordering instructions are listed below. See the reverse side for a sample order. EMERGENCY ORDER PROCEDURES: All orders of an emergency nature will be charged an additional $25.00 as an expedite fee. All orders narked RUSH or ASAP will be charged this amount in addition to the premium freight costs. Phone orders and electronic nail messages are not accepted unless next day delivery is required and approved by illS Management. No phone orders will be accepted from the Minneapolis/St.Paul area. LITERATURE ORDER/ENTRY SYSTEM: Literature and Distribution Services has recently implemented an Interactive Order System called LOIS. Those CDC sites that have access to a 721 CDC terminal may now enter their orders via this method. Guidelines for establishing a user name may be obtained by contacting Sandy Buhil, STP005 (Phone 612-292-2117 or c/n 243-2117). A Query System is also available to CDC sites not having access to a CDC 721 crt terminal but having a different terminal. The illS Query System allows you to determine stock availability, revision level, and prices. (At this time, only CDC sites may access this file) . BACKORDER PROCEDURE": If a requisitioner requires an item to be backordered, they must so indicate on the Literature and Stocked Forms Request (M1538-2). Place a "BII in the column narked "B" if you wish manuals or binders to be backordered. Brochures and Data Sheets are not backordered due to ever changing marketing emphasis Which delays reprint cycles. REIURN ro STOCK: Only books that are unused and 'at the current level stocked by illS nay be returned for credit. Please obtain proper approval and return procedures for illS before returning any books. No returns accepted for material 90 days after original purchase. AUTCMATIC DISTRIBUTION PROCEDURE FOR INTERNATIONAL SUBSIDIARIES: If, as an Inter- national Subsidiary, you are not familiar with the Autonatic Distribution Service (A/D) , please contact illS and we will send you a copy of the guidelines. Domestic CUstomer AID procedures are found in this catalog. MANUALS ON MICROFICHE: Publication nurrbers prefixed by a GF indicates the manual is available in microfiche fonn. LITERATURE ORDERING PROCEDURE: See example on reverse side of this page. PlACE ALL ITEMS IN NUMERICAL SEQUENCE. G. F. Moore, Manager Literature and Distribution Services CS 2> CONT"OL DATA LITERATURE AND DISTRIBUTION SERVICES/STP005 308 NORTH DALE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55103

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