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datasheets 7-10-3-1 free download

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Model:7-10-3-1 🔎
Original:7-10-3-1 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Various datasheets 7-10-3-1.pdf
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SPECIFICATIONS Model 7-10-30LP8 'SKIP LOG' Frequency range 10 to 30 MHz continous and a separate frequency tunable from 6.6 to 8.6 MHz Typical gain 6 dBd 10-30 MHz and 3 dBd @ 7 MHz Typical Front to back ratio 15 dB 10-30 MHz and 6 dB @ 7 MHz Beamwidth 65 deg. E and 75 deg. in H plane Feed impedance 50 Ohms unbalanced into 4:1 Balun Maximum VSWR 1.8:1 Input Connector SO-239 standard. N type available Power Handling 3 kW standard, Higher available Boom length and diameter 29 Ft X 3" X .125 wall Maximum element length 46 Ft. Turning radius 28 Ft. Wind Area / Survival 13 Sq. Ft. / 100 MPH (125 MPH avail.) Weight / Ship Wt. 86 lbs / 100 lbs Price $ 1,289.00 FEATURES This special "skip frequency" hybrid log periodic is a rugged versatile performer designed for years of trouble free service. For the amateur radio operator it covers SEVEN Amateur Bands with high efficiency and no traps! Machined aluminum element to boom clamps and solid fiberglass rod center insulators are just a few of the unique structural features in this remarkable antenna. The 7-10-30LP8 is a single, economical antenna system that matches up with todays modern solid state equipment and keeps you competitive on every frequency on every band instantaneously. Low windload and less weight put less demands on the rotator and tower structures. Maritime, Government, Commercial, MARS, Scientific and Amateur users are finding the 7-10-30LP8 reliably fills a variety of communication requirements. When properly installed at 65 feet or higher this eight element antenna is a world wide, world-class performer. Solid electrical and structural design will maintain communications when other antennas have long since faded into the noise.

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