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Re-edited by PD2MRX for adobe acrobat, 2004-2005. PA2MRX, from 2006. THE "AVO" VALVE TESTER Type 160 NSN: 6625-99-943-2419 WORKING INSTRUCTIONS SECOND EDITION PUBLISHED BY AVO LIMITED. AVOCET HOUSE, 92-96 VAUXHALL BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.W.1 Telephone: VICtoria 3404-9 1 THE "AVO" VALVE TESTER TYPE 160. 2 FOREWORD For more then a quarter of a century we have been engaged in the design and manufacture of "AVO" Electric Measuring Instruments. Throughout that time we have consistently pioneered the design of modern multi-range instruments and have kept abreast of and catered for the requirements of the epoch-making developments in the field of radio and electronics. The success of our steadfast policy of maintaining high standards of performance in instruments of unexcelled accuracy, and making such instruments available at reasonable cost, is reflected in the great respect and genuine goodwill which "AVO" products enjoy in every part of the world. It has been gratifying to note the large numbers of instances where the satisfaction obtained from the performance of one of our instruments has led to the automatic choice of other instruments from the "AVO" range. This process, having continued over a long period of years, has resulted in virtual standardization on our products by numerous Public Bodies, The Services, Railway Systems, and Post Office and Telegraph Undertakings throughout the world. Our designers have thereby been encouraged to ensure that new instruments or accessories for inclusion in the "AVO" range fit in with existing "AVO" apparatus and serve to extend the usefulness of instruments already in use. Thus, the user who standardizes on "AVO" products will seldom find himself short of essential measuring equipment, for, be means of suitable accessories, his existing equipment can aften be adapted to meet unusual demands. It is with pleasure that we acknowledge that the unique position by "AVO" is due in no small measure to the co-operation of so many users who stimulate our research and Development staffs from time to time with suggestions, criticism, and even requests for the production of entirely new instruments or accessories. It is our desire to encourage and preserve this relationship between those who use "AVO" instruments and those who are responsible for their design and manufacture, and correspondence is therefore welcomed, whilst suggestions will receive prompt and sympathetic consideration 3 THE "AVO" VALVE TESTER TYPE 160 CONTENTS

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