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Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Samsung tip110.pdf
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NPN EPITAXIAL TIP110/111/112 SILICON DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR HIGH DC CURRENT GAIN TO-220 MIN hFE=1000 @ VCE=4V, IC=1A LOW COLLECTOR-EMITTER SATURATION VOLTAGE MONOLITHIC CONSTRUCTION WITH BUILT IN BASE-EMITTER SHUNT RESISTORS INDUSTRIAL USE Complementary to TIP115/116/117 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit Collector Emitter Voltage :TIP110 VCBO 60 V 1.Base 2.Collector 3.Emitter : TIP111 80 V : TIP112 100 V Collector Emitter Voltage : TIP110 VCEO 60 V : TIP111 80 V : TIP112 100 V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO 5 V Collector Current (DC) IC 2 A Collector Current (Pulse) IC 4 A Base Current (DC) IB 50 ~ Collector Dissipation ( T A=5) PC 2 W Collector Dissipation ( T C=5) PC 50 W Junction Temperature TJ 150 Storage Temperature T STG -65~150 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T C =25) Characteristic Symbol Test Conditions Min Max Unit Collector Emitter Sustaining Voltage VCEO(sus) : TIP110 IC = 30mA, IB = 0 60 V : TIP111 80 V : TIP112 100 V Collector Cutoff Current : TIP110 ICEO VCE = 30V, IB = 0 2 mA : TIP111 VCE = 40V, IB = 0 2 mA : TIP112 VCE = 50V, IB = 0 2 mA Collector Cutoff Current : TIP110 ICBO VCB = 60V, IE = 0 1 mA : TIP111 VCB = 80V, IE = 0 1 mA : TIP112

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