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***************************************************************** * PC1\OS i . DOC * Bv David Daugherty * ***************************************************************** PC/NOS-l A NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM FOR CP/M 2.2 OVERVIEW PC/NOS-i turns CP/M 2.2. into a Multi-user network ooeratinq system. It allows multiole CP/M users to share volumes siMultaneously. It provides imolicit and exolicit file locking, record locking and named (semaohore) locking. In addition PC/NOS-i has a connection and status orogram which allows users to redirect the logical devices on theit" l!:lcal CP/M comouter to either ooint at local ohysical d ev ices CIt" Cevices on other comouters runninq PC/NOS-iu INVOKING PC/NOS-l In order to run PC/NOS, vou must have the followino oroorams on your CP/M system diskette. PCNOSLDR .. COiYf PCNOS.SPR CCP.SPR PCClYlD. COM Boot vou'!""' CP/M svstem and then run the ~rogram PCNOSLDR.COM. Th 1 S or"ol;n"am loads PCNOS.SPR and CCP~SPR and automatically -;=,:t t .:3.cnes them to YOU CP/M system. You will see the messaoe: (NOTE: This node number oromot Type any number between 0 and 9. Make sure each comouter has a different node number. Shortly you will see your oromot reaooear.. Your CP/M system is now running under PC/NOS. All of your connections are local exoect C: and D: which are directed to node 3. In order to redirect some of you logical devices to other comouters, you must run the orogram PCCMD.COM. RUNNING PCCMD.COM This oroqram loqs YOU on as a PC/NOS network user and then allows you to redirect your logical devices to other comouters on the network which are running PC/NOS. i You will see the messaQe: PC/NOS-l Connection and Query Program Version 1.3. What is your user name? (NOTE FOR SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR EYES ONLY!!) When PCCMD.COM is ~un it searches the disk for the file PCNOS.DIR. This encrpyted file contains all the users' names and oasswords which may legitimately log on from this PC/NOS disk. If PCNOS.OIR does-not exist, PCCMD.COM will create it and fill user number zero with the system's name and oassword. If this is t~e case you must log on as 'system' and use 'sysfoo' as the oasswcI","'d. After tyoing in your user name you will be oromcted for your y LO\LJt:../L o\~c What is your oassword. system? - Tyoe in the oassword. Asterisks are echoed in olace of the ~assword characters. THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR'S MENU. 1) Disclay Connections. 2) Make Connection. 3) Name. Cn~.u

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