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Now downloading free:CREST XR-20InputUserOptions

CREST XR-20InputUserOptions free download

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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment CREST X-RACK XR-20InputUserOptions.pdf
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Crest Audio XR-20 mono input module user options 12-18-01 Aux Pre Signal Mod Direct out mod Easy to read instructions located right on the board here... Cut and remove 0 ohm jumpers R159 and R106 on the mono input main PCB. Add solder blobs to SB4 and SB5 to join the 2 solder pad halves. Now your direct out for this channel is Post-EQ and Pre-fader. If you require a easy pre fader/pre EQ dir out it is possible to utilize the insert send and modify your 1/4" connector for this accordingly so as not to interrupt signal flow to the rest of the module (IE: short tip/ring together). XR-20/24 block diagram XR-20 / XR-24 owner's manual JIMI p. 4

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