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Now downloading free:Rohm dtb114gk

Rohm dtb114gk free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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DTB114GK Transistors -500mA / -50V Digital transistors (with built-in resistors) DTB114GK Applications External dimensions (Unit : mm) Inverter, Interface, Driver SMT3 2.9 1.1 Feature 0.4 0.8 1) The built-in bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors (3) with complete isolation to allow positive biasing of 2.8 1.6 the input, and parasitic effects are almost completely eliminated. (2) (1) 2) Only the on / off conditions need to be set for 0.3Min. 0.95 0.95 0.15 operation, making the device design easy. 1.9 (1)Emitter 3) Higher mounting densities can be achieved. (2)Base Each lead has same dimensions (3)Collector Abbreviated symbol : L14 Structure PNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor (Resistor built-in type) Packaging specifications Equivalent circuit Package SMT3 C B Packaging type Taping R Code T146 E Basic ordering E : Emitter 3000 C : Collector Part No. unit (pieces) B : Base DTB114GK R=10k (typ.) Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25

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