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Now downloading free:TENSAI cts-aa chassis-service mode 193

TENSAI cts-aa chassis-service mode 193 free download

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Model:cts-aa chassis-service mode 193 🔎
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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment TENSAI TV CTS-AA cts-aa_chassis-service_mode_193.pdf
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CTS-AA chassis-service mode Models: Pacific model PTV 3604 Pacific model PTV 5102 (values with red ) Tecnimagen model 14TXN (values with black ) SAA 5531PS/M4/0329 microprocessor + 24C04 smd SAA 5541PS/M5/0330 (for model : Pacific PTV 3604 ) STV 2246C=jungle TDA 1771=vertical stage TDA 8943=audio TDA 4605=power supply BUL 310FP + 40337-54(Orega flyback trafo)=horizontal stage OREGA 40346-49=Chopper trafo 313010831030 10694870 Service menu: Switch-off tv.(mains switch) Put the pin 7 of microprocessor to ground.(strap) Power-on tv:a S appear in the left down corner. Remove the strap of pin 7. Press OSD (or RECALL) button on remote control. SERVICE V1.1 AFC COARSE 05 06 AFC FINE 2C 2B AFC COARSE LP 07 07 AFC FINE LP 40 40 ---------------- CVBS AMP 10 10 AGC START 27 26 AGC GAIN 00 00 MANUAL C-O 00 00 ---------------- R CUT-OFF 21 1F G CUT-OFF 20 23 BRIGHTNESS 20 20 CONTRAST 20 20 ---------------- R GAIN 19 38 G GAIN 13 36 B GAIN 11 33 BELL FILTER 00 00 ---------------- APR THRESH 08 0B HOR SHIFT 28 35 VERT AMP 39 31 TXT SHIFT 01 01 ---------------- SYS OPTION 00 ( or 03 ) MENU OPTION 00 00 AFC ADJUST 00 00 AFC LP ADJ 00 00 ---------------- Parameter modification:V+ & V- buttons Select groupe(four parameters) with P- button Store :with OSD(RECALL) button on RC SYS OPTION:00(SOUND EUROPA BG) 03(EUR+DK) Leave the service menu: Switch-off TV(mains switch)

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