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File name:pk232_node_gateway.pdf
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Model:pk232 🔎
Descr:Command additions for NODE software in the pk232.
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > HAM radio-stations
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File name pk232_node_gateway.pdf

PK-232MBX Node/Gateway Option Supplement 1 PK-232MBX Node/Gateway Option Supplement Thank you for your purchase of Timewave's node firmware option for the PK232MBX! Please read the enclosed sheet, PK-232MBX EPROM Installation Instruction, for instructions on how to install your new firmware. New feature outline: · Timewave packet "node" helps eliminate the need for digipeating. · Enhanced AMTOR- and PACTOR-listen modes show link and connect attempts. · Automatic selection of AMTOR or PACTOR modes when a received signal is tuned with the ARXTOR command. · Enhanced packet MHEARD function identifies TCP/IP, NET/ROM and stations. · MYALIAS has been expanded to enable the "two-ham family" to use more than one packet callsign with their PK-232MBX. · PACTOR "roundtable" operation has been enhanced with the PTROUND command. · EXPERT command now included so you're no longer burdened with a large number of commands to view. · MOPTT command simplifies full break-in CW operation. · The CODE command has been expanded to include the upper/lower case extensions used by AMTOR MSO and APLINK stations. · The SIAM (Signal) mode now identifies PACTOR stations. Copyright 2001, Timewave Technology Inc., all rights reserved 2 PK-232MBX Node/Gateway Option Supplement This page intentionally left blank PK-232MBX Node/Gateway Option Supplement 3 Overview Your node firmware now supports local acknowledgment (acks) of packets like a full-service BBS/node does, so instead of having to digipeat through your MYALIAS or MYCALL callsign to connect to a destination station, users can now connect to your MYGATE callsign; from there, they can then issue a connect request to the station they want to reach, and your station will be responsible for accepting and sending packet data and acks. (Users can't digipeat through your MYGATE callsign.) Users can also enter the MHEARD command to see the last 18 stations your TNC has heard. For your node to work, simply enter a call into MYGATE--but not the same one as your MYCALL, MYALIAS, or MYMAIL--and set GUSERS to a value greater than zero. To disable the node function, enter MYGATE NONE or set GUSERS to zero. Note: With each station connected to your node, you'll lose a "logical" channel. So, if you have GUSERS set to 3 and three source stations have connected to three destination stations through your node, they'll take up six of your ten channels, leaving you with only four channels to accept and initiate contacts. (If a station connects to your Maildrop that would leave you only three channels.) See the following pages for information about the new commands available to you and improvements over current ones. Node Operation Here's what a user would see when using your Node as a packet node. In this example, your MYGATE call is set to N7ML-7: cmd:C N7ML-7 *** CONNECTED to N7ML-7 +++ N7ML Node. Type ? for help. de N7ML-7 (B,C,D,J,L,N,S,?) > The first line is the user's connect request to your TNC. The second line is t

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