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Now downloading free:SORENSEN SORENSEN DCR-B Series 1800-Watt Instruction Rev D

SORENSEN SORENSEN DCR-B Series 1800-Watt Instruction Rev D free download

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Sorensen Company Tel 603 666 4500 676 Island Pond Road Telex 943459 Manchester NH 03103 1509 TWX 710 220 1339 Sorensen A R-on Company Instruction Manual for DCR-B Series 1800-Watt Power Supplies Manual covers DCR-B models: 1011208 80-208 20-808 150-128 40-408 300-88 80-308 800-38 Document Number 165041 Rev D (9165) FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY Sorensen Company warrants all part8 of equipment of its mJnufJCture, except Jpeciai purpose tubeJ and Seml- conductor devices which carry their own mJnufacturer'J warranty, to be bee from defects caused by faulty material or poor workmanship. Sorensen Compsny warrants Its products to conform to appllcabtecommercial or military specifications when confirmedon the Order Acknowledgment form to be free from defects caused by faulty material or poor workmanship. Sorensen Company's obligation is llmlted under the warranty to repair or replacement of products in kind, or at its option to issuance of a credit of orlglnal purchase prtce.Returns must be accompanied by a Sorensen Company Return Material Authorization form and conlorm to standard conditions for adjustment. The aforesaid warranty shall expire five (5) years following the last day 01 the month of shipment from Sorensen Company's plant. The foregoing states the entlre warranty extended by Sorensen Company. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made and, specifically, Sorensen Company makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no case shall Sorensen Company be liable lor any special or consequential damages. Authorization must be obtained prior to return of defective items. SORENSEN COMPANY TABLE OF CONTENTS

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