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Now downloading free:KJ KJ Series Table

KJ KJ Series Table free download

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SS Standard * Designed for surface mounting on density circuit board. * Emboss carrier tape packing system is available for automatic insertion. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> SC Low Leakage Current * Low Leakage current (0.5A to 3.3A max.) * Low cost for replacement of some tantalum applications. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> HT Wide Temperature * Temperature up to +105 with load life of 10002000 hours. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> NP Bi-Polar * Bi-polar with general temperature 85. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>>> Parts List>> KP Bi-Polar with Wide Temperature * Bi-polar with wide temperature range -55 to +105. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> LZ Low Impedance * Low impedance with temperature range -55 to +105 and load life of 1000~2000 hours. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> KZ Extra Lower Impedance * Extra low impedance with temperature range -55 to +105 and load life of 1000~3000 hours. * Impedance 4060% less than LZ series. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> FZ Long Life with Extra Lower Impedance * Extra low impedance with temperature range -55 to +105 and load life of 2000~5000 hours. * Impedance 525% less than KZ series. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> EL Long Life Assurance * Wide temperature range -55 to +105 with load life of 2000~3000 hours,. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> KL 3000~5000 Hours Load Life * Load life of 3000~5000 hours with temperature up to +105. * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> KH High Reliability * High temperature up to +125 * Load life from 1000 hours to 5000 hours * RoHS Compliance. Detailed>> Parts List>> HU Mid-to-High Voltage * Load life of 5000 hours with temperature up to +105. * Ca

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