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Now downloading free:ON Semiconductor mmdf1n05e-d

ON Semiconductor mmdf1n05e-d free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Model:mmdf1n05e-d 🔎 mmdf1n05ed
Original:mmdf1n05e-d 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors ON Semiconductor mmdf1n05e-d.pdf
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MMDF1N05E Power MOSFET 1 Amp, 50 Volts N-Channel SO-8, Dual These miniature surface mount MOSFETs feature ultra low RDS(on) and true logic level performance. They are capable of withstanding high energy in the avalanche and commutation modes and the drain-to-source diode has a low reverse recovery time. MiniMOSt 1 AMPERE, 50 VOLTS devices are designed for use in low voltage, high speed switching RDS(on) = 300 mW applications where power efficiency is important. Typical applications are dc-dc converters, and power management in portable and battery N-Channel powered products such as computers, printers, cellular and cordless D phones. They can also be used for low voltage motor controls in mass storage products such as disk drives and tape drives. The avalanche energy is specified to eliminate the guesswork in designs where inductive loads are switched and offer additional safety margin against G unexpected voltage transients. S Features

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