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File name:Toshiba Color TV 29V13P Schematic.part1.rar
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Size:1953 kB
Model:29V13P 🔎
Descr:service manual part1
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Toshiba Color TV 29V13P Schematic.pdf

FILE NO. 050-200128 SERVICE MANUAL COLOR TELEVISION 29V13P PRINTED IN U. K Schematic Diagrams 8. Block Diagrams 8-1 Power Diagram 8-1 Schematic Diagrams 8-2 Block Diagram 8-2 Wiring Diagram 9. Wiring Diagram CONTROL PCB L+ CNY02 KEY2 KEY1 GND KEY3 CNY01 TIME STD GND 5V IR R+ S-VHS IN-OUT CN703 RGND LL+ VO SC-1 GND SY-I CN704 LR+ RTO SPEAKER SIDE AV PCB CN702 GND SC-O GND SY-O FROM MAIN SOUND AMP CN701 GD VI GD LO RO LI RI AV2 VIDEO IN-OUT CN901 KEY2 KEY1 GND KEY3 CN902 TIME STD GND 5V IR CN602 R+ R- CN302 VERT V2 V1 NC 16.5V GND CN501 B OUT G OUT R OUT SENSE 8V GND F/B TILT GND CN702 VO GD V1 GD LO RO GND MAIN PCB LL+ 600V VERT V2 V1 NC 16.5V GND CN502 -16V SVM CNH01 LI ABL +16V GND HEAT NC 200V RI DOUBLE FOCUS PCB 600V SC-I CN704 16.5VAC GND DOUBLE 16.5VAC GND DOUBLE GND SY-I GND SC-O GND SY-O B OUT CN501A G OUT R OUT SENSE 8V GND F/B TILT GND SVM -16V ABL +16V GND HEAT NC 200V CRT PCB CN502A 9-1 MEMO 9-2 Schematic Diagrams 10. Schematic Diagrams 10-1 MAIN 1 TP07 TP01 TP10 TP08 TP02 TP09 TP03 TP09 TP01 TP06 TP10 TP04 TP08 TP03 TP05 TP05 TP02 TP07 TP04 TP06 10-1 Schematic Diagrams 10-2 MAIN 2 TP11 TP12 TP13 TP12 TP13 TP14 TP11 TP25 TP15 TP14 TP25 TP15 10-2 Schematic Diagrams 10-3 MAIN3 TP22 TP16 TP23 TP23 TP17 TP17 TP16 TP18 TP22 TP24 TP18 TP19 TP21 TP20 TP24 TP19 TP33 TP20 TP21 TP34 TP35 10-3 Schematic Diagrams 10-4 MAIN 4 TP31 TP26 TP32 TP27 TP26 TP28 TP27 TP29 TP32 TP31 TP30 TP28 TP29 TP30 10-4 Schematic Diagrams 10-5 CRT TP33 TP35 TP34 TP34 TP35 TP33 10-5 Schematic Diagrams 10-6 PIP 10-6 Schematic Diagrams 10-7 SIDE A/V 10-7 Schematic Diagrams 10-8 VIDEO S/W MODULE 10-8 TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1-1, SHIBAURA 1-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 105-8001, JAPAN

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