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Now downloading free:ZR38601PQC ZR38601PQC Zoran Corp

ZR38601PQC ZR38601PQC Zoran Corp free download

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Model:ZR38601PQC Zoran Corp 🔎
Original:ZR38601PQC Zoran Corp 🔎
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ZR38601 DATA SHEET PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSOR FEATURES s Standard High Performance Functions in ROM - Formatted S/PDIF receiver with up to 96 kHz sample rate - Dolby Digital AC-3, 5.1 channel and 2 channel decoding - Sample rates: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz or 96 kHz up to 640 Kbits per second - Formatted S/PDIF AC-3 and MPEG transmitter output - Dolby Pro Logic encoding and decoding s Low System Cost - MPEG1 and MPEG2 two channel decoding with MPEG2 - Host-less operation with no glue chips PES stream parsing, PTS decoding and SCR handling - Separate internal PLLs for DSP core and audio I/O s Downloadable SiliconSoftwareTM Functions - No external RAM required for 5.1 Dolby AC-3/MPEG2 - Aureal A3D, Dolby Virtual Surround, Harman VMAx - Wait-state generation for low-cost external memory - QSound QSurroundTM, Spatializer N-2-2TM, Home THX - 100-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) packaging - SRS TruSurround, Music Modes - 3.3 V supply with 5 V compatible I/O for low power - Bass Management and multi-channel downmix s Software and Hardware PC Development Environment s Flexible Input/Output - Assembler/Linker/Simulator - Serial and/or parallel data stream I/O - On-chip ICE support with direct PC connection - Serial SPI, serial Z2C or 8-bit parallel host interface - ZR38600DB Demonstration Board with 6 analog outputs, - 3 serial input data ports and 4 serial data output ports microphone and line inputs, and optional PC connection DESCRIPTION The Zoran ZR38601 is a high performance programmable digital provide eight channels of output, analog input, long-delay mem- audio signal processor capable of real-time single-chip decoding ories, custom operating features and the ability to be upgraded of Dolby Digital AC-3 5.1-channel and MPEG2 digital surround with downloaded SiliconSoftwareTM product enhancements. Yet algorithms. It is the fourth generation decoder made by Zoran, all of this flexibility comes without design complexity. Highly con- being based on the proven ZR38000, ZR38500 and ZR38600 figurable standard functions with a simple command structure architectures. Hardwar

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