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Wietron mje13003b free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Wietron mje13003b.pdf
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WEITRON MJE13003B High Voltage Fast-switching COLLECTOR NPN Power Transistor 2. P b Lead(Pb)-Free 3. 1. EMITTER BASE 2. COLLECTOR 3. BASE DESCRIPTION: 1. The device is manufactured using high voltage EMITTER TO-92 Multi Epitaxial Planar technology for high switching speeds and medium voltage capability. It uses a Cellular Emitter structure with planar edge termination to enhance switching speeds while maintaining the wide RBSOA. The MJE13003B is designed for use in compact uorescent lamp application. FEATURE: * Medium Voltage Capability * Low Spread Of Dynamic Parameters * Minimum Lot-to-lot Spread For Reliable Operation * Very High Switching Speed APPLICATIONS: * Electronic Ballasts For Fluorescent Lighting ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS P a r am e t e r Symbol Value U ni t Collector-Emitter Voltage (V BE = 0 ) V CES 700 V Collector-Emitter Voltage (I B = 0 ) V CEO 400 V Emitter-Base Voltage (I C = 0 ) V EBO 9 V C ol l e c t o r C u r r en t IC 1 A Collector Peak Current (t p < 5 m s ) I CM 2 A Ba s e C u rr e n t IB 0.5 A Base Peak Current (t p < 5 m s ) I BM 1 A Total Dissipation at T amb = 25 o C P tot 1 W o Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient R JA 120 C/W o O p e ra t i n g J u n c t i on T e m p er a t u re Tj 150 C o St o r a

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