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Now downloading free:Valhalla Valhalla 2734A Direct Voltage Reference Bank

Valhalla Valhalla 2734A Direct Voltage Reference Bank free download

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Model:Valhalla 2734A Direct Voltage Reference Bank 🔎
Original:Valhalla 2734A Direct Voltage Reference Bank 🔎
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File name Valhalla_2734A_Direct_Voltage_Reference_Bank.pdf

2734A DIRECT VOLTAGE REFERENCE BANK OPERATION AND MAINTENACE MANUAL 9955 Mesa Rim Rd. VALHALLA tlE SCIENTIFIC San Diego,Ca 92121 Phone (6 19)457 -SSZ6 Telex 181 75O REVTSED 1 / 87 CERTIFICATION valhalla scientific, Inc. certif ies that this instrument lYas thoroughly tested and inspected and found to meet it's published specif ications when it was shipped f rom the factory. valhalla scientif ic, Inc. further certifies that it's calibration measurements are traceable to the National Bureau of Standards to the extent allowed by NBS's calibration facility. WARRANTY The warranty period for this instrument is stated on your invoice and packing list. Please refer to these to determine appropriate warranty dates. We will repair or replace the instrument during the warranty period provided it is returned to valhalla Scientif ic, Inc. f reight prepaid. No other warranty is expressed or implied. we are not liable for consequential damages. Permission and a return authorization number must be obtained directly from the factory for warranty repair returns. No liability will be accepted if returned without such permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NUMBER PAGE SECTION I- UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION t-l SECTION II - SPECIFICATIONS 2-1 SECTION III - AVAILABLE OPTIONS 1l SECTION IV - FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS :1 t- I | SECTION V - REAR PANEL CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS 5- l SECTION VI - MANUAL OPERATION o-l SECTION VII - REMOTE OPERATION l-l SECTION VII - CALIBRATION 8- r SECTION IX - MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 9-l SECTION X - THEORY OF OPERATION r0- r SECTION XI - PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION Il-l SECTION XII - USEFUL HINTS t:- I SECTION XIII - MANUAL CHANGE INFORMATION l3- r SECTION XIV - SCHEMATIC AND ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS t4- I SECTION XV - PARTS LISTS r5- l l-l SECTION I. UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION 1.1 Unpacking If the shipping carton is damaged, request that the carriers' agent be present when the 2734A is unpacked. If the 2734A appears damaged when unpacked, then notify the

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