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Now downloading free:Awa c1070 users manual

Awa c1070 users manual free download

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MODULATED OSCILLATOR C1070 A.W.A. Modulated Oscillator Type C1070 THE PURPOSE OF THE INSTRUMENT. This instrument has been designed for use in servicing all kinds of radio receivers. Modulated or unmodulated signals of any frequency between 100 Kilocycles and 20 Megacycles are available. THE FOLLOWING TESTS MAY BE CARRIED OUT RAPIDLY AND WITH AMPLE SERVICE ACCURACY: 1. Alignment of I.F. and R.F. circuits at any desired frequency. 2. Adjustment of receivers provided with wavelength or kilo-cycle scales to correct dial calibration by setting trimmers and padding condenser. 3. Examination of ganged T.R.F. circuits for errors in tracking 4. Measurement of overall sensitivity of all types of receivers at any frequency, and gain of I.F. amplifiers. 5. Estimation of noise level at higher sensitivities by comparison of audio outputs between modulated and unmodulated carrier of equal strength. 6. Determination of stage gain in I.F. or R.F. amplifiers. 7. Testing of valves for performance under working conditions by insertion of several in succession in a given socket in a receiver and noting the change in stage gain or overall sensitivity. 8. Checking the performance of A.V.C. in receivers. 9. Measurement of selectivity of I.F. or R.F. amplifiers in terms of band width in kilocycles, for input signals one hundred or one thousand times larger than the signal on tune required to give some chosen value of audio output. 10. Determination of image ratio, or the ratio of the micro-volts input at the image or second spot frequency at the micro-volts at the wanted signal frequency, both giving equal audio output. This compressive list of tests covers more than is usually required in receiver servicing. None of these tests requires an instrument with capabilities of accuracy available in a signal 8 1 CONTROLS generator. Consequently the controls and methods of calibration can he modified in the direction of speeding up and generally simplifying operation. This object has been the aim in the design of The oscillator has four controls (from left to right): the Type C1070 modulated oscillator, and has been achieved with but small reduction in accuracy below average signal generator performance. No. 1. Range Switch. This control selects the coil for use on any desired range. No. 2. Battery Switch. The battery switch has three

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