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NM24C65U 64K-Bit Serial EEPROM with Write Protect 2-Wire Bus Interface PRELIMINARY August 1999 NM24C65U 64K-Bit Serial EEPROM with Write Protect 2-Wire Bus Interface General Description: continuously reliable non-volatile solution for all markets. The NM24C65U is a 64K (65,536) bit serial interface CMOS Functions EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory). This device fully conforms to the Extended I2CTM 2-wire I I2CTM compatible interface protocol which uses Clock (SCL) and Data I/O (SDA) pins to I 65,536 bits organized as 8,192 x 8 synchronously clock data between the "master" (for example a I 100 KHz or 400 KHz operation microprocessor) and the "slave" (the EEPROM device). In addi- I Extended 2.7V

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