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B&K BK 3010 free download

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TEST INSTRUMENT SAFETY WARNING Normal use of test equipment exposesyou to a certain amount of danger from electrical shock becausetesting must often be performed where exposedvoltage is present. An electrical shock causing 10miliamps of current to pass through the heart will stop most human heartbeats. Voltage as low as 35volts dc or ac rms should be considereddangerousand hazardous sinceit can produce a lethal current under certain conditions. Higher voltagespose an evengreater threat becausesuch voltage can more easilyproduce a lethal current. Your normal work habitis should include all ac- cepted practices that will prevent contact with exposed high voltage. and that will steer current away from your heart is case of accidental contact with a high voltage. You will significantly reduce the risk factor is you know and observe the following safety precautions: Don't expose high voltage needlessly. Remove housings and covers only when necessary. Turn off equipment while making test connections in high-voltage circuits. Discharge high- voltage capacitors after removing power. Use an insulated floor material or a large, insulated floor mat to stand on, and an insulated work surface on which to place equipment; and make certain-such surfacesare not damp or wet. Where insulated floor surface is not available, wear heavy gloves. 3. Use the time-proven "one hand in the pocket" technique while handling an instrument probe. Be particularly careful to avoid contacting a nearby metal object that could provide a good ground return path. Always use an isolation transformer to power transformerless "hot chassis" equipment, whereone side of the ac power line is connected directly to the chassis.This includes most re- cent television sets and audio equipment. Without an isolation transformer, the chassisof such equipment may be floating at line voltage (120 VAC, 60 Hz in USA), depending upon which way the 2-wire ac power plug is inserted. Not only does this presenta dangerousshock hazard if the chassisis touched, but damageto test instruments or the equipment under test may result from connecting the ground lead of some test instrumentsto a "hot" chassis.The ground lead of this function generator and most other test instruments with 3-wire power plugs is at earth ground. S. On test instruments or any equipment with a 3-wire ac power plug, use only a 3-wire outlet. This is a safety feature to keep the housing or other exposed elementsat earth ground. 6. If possible, familiarize yourself with the equipment being tested and the location of its high votage points. However, remember that high voltage may appear at unexpected points in defective equipment.

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