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Now downloading free:MANTA DVD-015

MANTA DVD-015 free download

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Model:DVD-015 🔎 DVD015
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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment MANTA DVD Manta DVD-015 DVD-015.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > DVD
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5 4 3 2 1 THORIUM REV-A2B2 ES6820/22/26 + DV342/502W/DL3F/KHM310 + OUTPUT Layout----THORIUM-A2B2 D D Background Revision History This DVD design is based on ESS ES6820/22/26 single chip DVD mpeg and servo processor. The ES6820/22/26 is Rev-A1 built upon ESS proven Programmable Multimedia Processor architecture with integrated servo DSP. A complete DVD Base on SMITH-A2B2'S design design using ES6603 RF-Amp can support all major popular optical pickup heads. With ES68xx unify memory architecture, the whole system memory is reduced to a minimum. ES6820/22/26 provides the best price performance Rev-A2 DVD solution in the industry and include the latest MPEG4/DivX playback capability. 1.Add R202,R203,R204,R205 for B,D swap option. [email protected] 2.Add pull low resistor R206 to AMPSTBY. 3.Delete the connection from CE to FOCUS;delete the connection from RFENV to SLED. System Clock Requirement 4.Change R59,R62,Q7,Q8,Q9 to open;change R60 to 0 ohm. ES6820/22/26 require a 27MHz clock to operate. This 27MHz can either be generated externally and feed into pin 193 5.Revise the pickup configure table,add R43,R51,RR6,RR8 option,only 502W is confirmed. and pin 195 or thru a 27MHz crystal attached to pin 193 and 194. This 27Mhz will be used for all video processing 6.Change R201 to open;add a pull low resistor option to HOMESW. reference. In addition, internal multiplier will generate a much higher operating frequency for the internal RISC+DSP 7.Change R77 to 6.8K. code to operate. Audio clock is generated from ES6820/22/26 by its internal PLL circuitry. 8.Modify

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