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File name:ic2720adj.rar
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Size:91 kB
Model:2720 🔎
Descr:2720 adjustments
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
Multipart:No multipart

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File name ic2720adj.pdf

Icom Inc. 1-6-19, Kamikuratsukuri, Hirano-ku, Osaka, 547-0004 JAPAN Phone : 06 6793 5302 Fax : 06 6793 0013 URL : TECHNICAL INFORMATION #925 To: ICOM Distributors From: ICOM Inc. / CS Department Date: November 10, 2002 ZIB-118 Service handling necessary: [ ] Yes [X] No Re: IC-2720 Adjustment Method by CS-2720 Cloning Software The following hardware and software is required: 1- OPC-478 cloning cable 2- CS-2720 cloning software Procedure (1) Install the cloning software, runs on Windows98/ME/2000/XP. Enter password according to the CS-2720 instruction manual. (Example: 250801-001123) (2) When the install has completed, CS-2720 icon will be displayed on the screen, right click on it to open property. (3) Following command will be appear in Link bar of property: C:\Program Files\Icom\CS-2720.exe Add space and "FX-2492AdjustStart" at the end of above command as shown bellow: C:\Program Files\Icom\CS-2720.exe FX-2492AdjustStart Push [OK] (4) Make sure that transceiver is connected to PC by OPC-478 cloning cable. Click on CS-2720 icon to start the software. (5) Click on "Clone" in toolbar of cloning software and confirm the operation. "Go Adjust Mode F12" is added. (6) The adjustment values change by right main dial of transceiver. RIGHT [MAIN]: Item movement (Forward) RIGHT [V/MHz]: Item movement (Reverse) RIGHT [M/CALL]: Switching for AM mode Push [SET] after each item setting and confirm. Note Look at the attachment list for item number values. 0 to 7: Adjustment inhibited. 8: Transmission output power adjustment is permitted 9 & 10: Transmission output power adjustment is permitted 11 to 14: Modulation level adjustment is permitted 15 & 18: DTCS adjustment inhibited. Do not change values 16 & 17: DTCS adjustment is permitted 19 to 42: Filter circuit tracking adjustment. Do not change values 43 to 49: S-Meter adjustment is permitted 50 to 77: SQL level adjustment is permitted Icom Inc. 1-6-19, Kamikuratsukuri, Hirano-ku, Osaka, 547-0004 JAPAN Phone : 06 6793 5302 Fax : 06 6793 0013 URL : 78 to 83: Protection circuit adjustment. Do not change values 84 and more: Adjustment inhibited IC-2720 (FX-2492)/IC-2720D (FX-2493) Connect OPC-478 cloning cable to SP-2 plug of IC-2720. 1. Run the CS-2720, open the file and select #01.icf. Memory is displayed for adjustment. 2. Open the Clone item in toolbar and click on "Go Adjust Mode". Cloning stared automatically and "cLonE In" appears on the IC-2720 controller screen. The cloning progress condition is displayed with the left and right S-meter. 3.Keys Operation [MAIN/BAND] key: Item movement (Forward) [V/MHz] key: Item movement (Reverse) Right Side [DIAL] knob: Value Change Right Side [SET] key: Value Confirmation Cancellation is possible with all reset operation. (Push left and right [MAIN/CALL] and turn the power ON) MIC U/D terminal is connected to 22K ohms resistor. Change the values is not permitted only for 145.00MHz. Following chart shows the adjustm

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