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Original:80m3 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Various datasheets 80m3.pdf
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SPECIFICATIONS Model Number 80M3 Frequency Range 3.5-3.575 and 3.750-3.825 MHz Remote Switchable @ 12 VDC Gain 6.3 dBd Front to Back 20 dB Typ. Power Handling 5 KW, cont. standard Feed Imp. / Conn type 50 Ohms/ SO-239 ('N' opt.) VSWR / Bandwidth 1.2:1 typ. / 2:1 @ edges Balun 1:2 Coaxial (2 x 75 Ohm 1/4 waves in parallel) Boom Length / Dia. 58 ft / 4-1/2" O.D. center sec. / 4" O.D. tips Boom support Overhead 3/16" aircraft cable Element length 85 ft. / Linear Loaded Element diameter 3", 2, 1-3/4, 1-1/2, 1-1/4, 1, & 3/4" tips Recommended height 90 ft Min. 120-180 ft nom. Turning radius 52' Mast Size 2 in. nom. or specify Wind Area / Survival 30.5 sq. ft. / 100 mph Weight / Ship wt. 300 lbs / 400 lbs -Truck Price $ 3,400.00 FEATURES The 80M3 is a real performer, both mechanically and electrically. Element halves start with 3" diameter tubing and taper through 2", 1-3/4", 1-1/2", 1-1/4", and 1" sections to the 3/4" tips. The 3" and 2" sections are separated by a polyethylene insulator to allow for the linear loading (#10 copperweld). A solid 2" O.D. Fiberglass rod, sleeved to the 3" elements, serves as the center insulator. The center boom section is 4- 1/2" O.D. x 20' with nearly 1/4" wall thickness. The two outer boom sections are 4" O.D. x 20' x .125 wall. The linear loading terminates above the boom and out of the element plane to reduce inductive cancellation, provide element support,and reduce excessive droop. The 1:2, 5 KW balun, and phone / CW power switching relays are housed in heavy wall ABS cannisters at the center of each element. CW / Phone switching relays require 12 VDC supply. 7560 N. Del Mar Ave, Fresno CA 93711 (209) 432-8873 FAX (209) 432-3059

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