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Rohm dta114y free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Rohm dta114y.pdf
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DTA114Y series PNP -100mA -50V Digital Transistors (Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors) Datasheet Outline Parameter Value VMT3 EMT3F VCC 50V OUT OUT IC(MAX.) 100mA IN GND IN GND R1 10k DTA114YM DTA114YEB R2 47k (SC-105AA) (SC-89) EMT3 UMT3F OUT Features OUT 1) Built-In Biasing Resistors IN IN GND 2) Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of GND an inverter circuit without connecting external DTA114YE DTA114YUB input resistors (see equivalent circuit). SOT-416 (SC-75A) (SC-85) 3) The bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors UMT3 SMT3 with complete isolation to allow negative biasing OUT OUT of the input. They also have the advantage of IN IN completely eliminating parasitic effects. GND GND 4) Only the on/off conditions need to be set for DTA114YUA DTA114YKA operation, making the circuit design easy. SOT-323 (SC-70) SOT-346 (SC-59) 5) Complementary NPN Types :DTC114Y series 6) Lead Free/RoHS Compliant. Inner circuit R1 OUT Application

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