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Now downloading free:JB JB Large-Can Crossrefrence

JB JB Large-Can Crossrefrence free download

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Model:JB Large-Can Crossrefrence 🔎
Original:JB Large-Can Crossrefrence 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors JB JB Large-Can Crossrefrence.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
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Tel: (86) 769 8108 2280 ; (852) 2790 5091; Fax: (852) 8169 8283 Address: Flat I, Floor 4, 13 Yip Fung Street, Fanling, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] ; Website: Large Can Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Cross Reference Nippon Load Life Epcos Nichicon Panasonic Samwha Kendeil Yageo DAEWOO Chemi-Con capacitors B41231 SMQ LS TS-UQ HC K26 LH FHS 2000h at 85C JNC B43510/B43520 SMH LG T-UP AM FHX 3000h at 85C B43511/B43521 SMM FHT B41252 KMQ, KMH GG TS-MD HE K25 LG FUH 2000h at 105C JNE B43504 KMT GL TS-HC Snap in Terminals B43515/B43525 KMR AK,AQ B43501 K06 5000h at 85C JNG B43540 K16 KMS GU TS-ED HE LV FUT 3000h at 105C JNJ KMM GN TS-EE HK KMV GW TS-HA/HB B41505 LXS GY HL K05 LC FUL 5000h at 105c JNK B43505 LXG GX K15 LXQ Nippon Load life

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