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Now downloading free:ARCHER Archer 15 1275

ARCHER Archer 15 1275 free download

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File name:Archer_15_1275.pdf
[preview Archer 15 1275]
Size:2129 kB
Model:Archer 15 1275 🔎
Original:Archer 15 1275 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment ARCHER 15-1275 Archer_15_1275.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Archer_15_1275.pdf

Video Colour Processor Owner's Manual PLEASE READ BEFORE USING THIS EQUIPMENT INTENSITY CHROMA AURST NUE MODE SOUFCE FIED *TBAllTMABKS ()F BAllI(l SHACK tlIVISI(ll{, TAIIDY C(lBPllBATI()I{ .>A.f,?CJ{ER# Your ARCHER@ Color Processor was developed by Radio Shack lo improve Please read this oryner's manual carefully. lt has been prepared to assist the overall performance ol your home video system. lt may be used to improve you duling the initial set-up procedure and to guide you in everyday operation lhe color reproduction ol programs lrom a VCR or video disc player. lt may also of the Video Color Procssor. be used to improve recordings made lrom one VCR to another or direct camera-to-VcR recordings. Thls unlt wlll nol create a color plcture lrom a black and white recording. CAUTION FEATURES Thls unll can be permanently damaged by exposure lo: o MODE Switch you to compare lhe processed color signal (COLOB - Allows position) with the unprocessed signal (BYPASS position) by moving a single . Excessive heat (above 150"F/65'C) swilch. o Moisture or humidity . Excessive dust or dirt ln the B^tv posilion, you will see a pure black and white picture. Artificial color tint will be eliminated. Take care to avoid these condltions at all times. . INTENSITY Control WARNING: TO AVOID THE HMARDS OF FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK. - Varies the intensity of the brightness in the TV picture. This is similar to the contrast control on your TV, bul the range is DO NOT EXPOSE THIS UNIT TO RAIN OB OTHEB MOISTURE. greater. For your own protection, we urge you to record the serial number ol this unit in o CHROiIA Control piclure from the space provided be

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