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Literature and Distribution Services 308 North Dale Street St. Paul. Minnesota 55103 ~~ ~V~/V CONll\.OL DATA CO RPO R{\TlON ( tJ V May 15, 1981 Catalog Users: Attached is the fifth (5) supplement that has taken place since the issuance of the January 1981 catalog. Publication numbers 17309500, 17311600 and 17311700 have been in- corporated into one (1) manual; publication 17311700. The price for this manual is $119.00 each. H7~/J ' ..?<~/ /') ~ / / (C~_ G. F. Moore, Manager Literture and Distribution Services 308 No DAle Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 SECTION I This section contains Hardware Manuals for Individual equipments arranged in equipment designator sequence. Product numbers are included in parenthesis after the equipment designator. Additional manuals may be found in Section 2 by looking up the Product number. 1 LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION SUPPLEMENT INTERNAL - EXTERNAL CATALOG, The legend for columns one through six is as follows: l-New or revised literature published since last edition N-New Publication R-Revision in packet form only RM-Revision in manual form only RMP-Revised manual/packet available RO-Revised publication obsoletes al I previous editions 2-Publication number of literature, I isted numerically 3-The latest revision level 4-Indicates size of hard cover binder that may be used for manuals 5-Publication division responsible for contents of literature 6-Price changes for External Customers only *FOR CONTROL DATA PERSONNEL ONLY **PRICE CHANGES IN COLUMN 6 ARE FOR EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS ONLY 1 TITLE 2 3 4 5 **6 RO AAllO-A(176-XX) Central Computer GF 602'(490 b V ARH I I, PPU H.M.M. (Gen. Dese. Install/Ckout theo, diags,) R AA120-A(175XX) Central Computer HMM 60428800 AH 22 ARH (Mstr. Clk&ECS Coupler Option) RO AA120-D(740,750,760)Cent. Computer ~F60457540 E ARH HMM (Maint. Barts) R AA122-A Central Computer(3vols) HMM 60441100 J 22 ARH I (Theo. of Op. ,Diag, MaintAids, Parts I RO AA13l-D(Cyber 720,730)Central Comput ~F60456l70 AG ARH HMM Diagrams RO AA13l-D(720/730)Central Computer HMM ~F60456200 'T ARH (Theory, Diagrams) N AT3l4,AUl15,BU272, CW2l8(1856~1,2,3, 60475540 A 3 L~TL $29.30 I/O Expansion Subsystem HR/MM 1-1- ) N BA22l-A(QSE 22223,23481,23482)Me

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