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Now downloading free:ON Semiconductor mtp20n15e-d

ON Semiconductor mtp20n15e-d free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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File name:mtp20n15e-d.pdf
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Size:113 kB
Mfg:ON Semiconductor
Model:mtp20n15e-d 🔎 mtp20n15ed
Original:mtp20n15e-d 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors ON Semiconductor mtp20n15e-d.pdf
Group:Electronics > Components > Transistors
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MTP20N15E Power MOSFET 20 Amps, 150 Volts N-Channel TO-220 This Power MOSFET is designed to withstand high energy in the avalanche and commutation modes. The energy efficient design also offers a drain-to-source diode with a fast recovery time. Designed for low voltage, high speed switching applications in power converters and PWM motor controls, these devices are particularly well suited for 20 AMPERES bridge circuits where diode speed and commutating safe operating 150 VOLTS areas are critical and offer additional safety margin against unexpected RDS(on) = 130 m voltage transients.

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