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Now downloading free:SOLARTRON 6821 pia

SOLARTRON 6821 pia free download

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Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment SOLARTRON 7081 Mickle diagrams 6821 pia.pdf
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PERIPHERAL INTERFACE ADAPTER (PIA) The MC6821 Peripheral Interface Adapter provides the universal IN-CHAN means of interfacing peripheral equipment to the M6800 family of microprocessors. This device is capable of interfacing the MPU to peripherals through two 8-bit bidirectional peripheral data buses and four control lines. No external logic is required for interfacing to most peripheral devices. The functional configuration of the PIA is programmed by the MPU during system initialization. Each of the peripheral data lines can be pro- grammed to act as an input or output, and each of the four con- trol/interrupt lines may be programmed for one of several control modes. This allows a high degree of flexibility in the overall operation of the interface. @ 8-Bit Bidirectional Data Bus for Communication with the MPU @ Two Bidirectional 8-Bit Buses for Interface to Peripherals @ Two Programmable Control Registers @ Two Programmable Data Direction Registers @ Four Individually-Controlled Interrupt Input Lines; Two ERDIP PACKAGE *&a `3,*V$3 *>~+s\~, Usable as Peripheral Control Outputs \; "`i ,J k" 3 @ Handshake Control Logic for Input and Output Periphe~~~~`~~~~.~`~"` .h*+ .,`:# Operation Kit\& `i. High-Impedance Three-State and Direct Transis$r DriGe Peripheral Lines >@.`+ PLASTIC PACKAGE !a<$."& _ CASE 711 Program Controlled Interrupt and InterruptV&$%$e Capability CMOS Drive Capability on Side A Peri~~~~~~~~~~~s Two TTL Drive Capability on All A a~~~~~~~e Buffers _' 0 TTL-Compatible /;;;g>* *v* ,A. ,*e .\+ x;<+"<& PIN ASSIGNMENT @ Static Operation ,V,&,,i `\< `~`": ,,;# vi, A

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